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Americas Ventures Customers

Americas Ventures' goal is to assist established companies grow to their 'next level' , which should be totally beyond current expectations. We provide a high integrity, flexible and professional approach to investment capital and consulting. by tailoring our services to each customer.

Win-Win only: Americas Ventures will only work with you if we honestly believe that we can win together in the long term. Otherwise, we are simply trading short-term revenues for lack of long-term results, which impacts our reputation. We are very proud that 100% of our business is derived from direct referrals.

Let's be selective. We really believe in a process of mutual selection. We only select a few ventures to represent every quarter in order to provide focused personal attention. In turn, we expect our prospective customers to insure that we're absolutely right for them. We have multiple references for you, and are willing to submit to any background checks you desire to insure that we're the right fit.

Varied Portfolio of Customers: We have worked with a varied mix (industry, stage, location, funding) of investment opportunities as attested by our following sample of customers from current and past experience.

  • Biometrics - New York City - A global biometrics research firm with patented technology sought alliances to manufacture, install, service and monitor its business model. Americas Ventures provided valuable introductions to investment banking, and homeland secuity firms that allowed the customer to rapidly create value for global customers and investors.

  • Construction Services - Jupiter FL - A small firm with $1M in revenues sought financing and exponential growth strategies. Americas Ventures provided funding, strategic consulting, business plans, brand image creation and major customer (each worth over $1M in potential annual reenues) to the firm, which would grow by 3X in a period of one year.

  • Tire Distribution B2B commerce - Miami - A $22M revenues tire distribution wholesaler with an experienced management team and technology advantage.  It sought growth round to extend product line and geographic reach to create superior position through industry consolidation and ebusiness. Provided business plan upgrade, and growth capital services.

  • Closet and Cabinet Manufacturers - Atlanta - Firm with over $8M revenues sought expansion plan through mergers and acqusition, new investor financing, strategic planning, and explosive growth through major channel development.

  • Oil & Gas Technical Staffing - Houston - Executive search and employment organization for the oil and gas industry was successful in buy-out of its partners' partial equity stake to leverage global sales of $20M. Prepared full business plan and provided growth captial services.

  • Coin Laundries - Fort Lauderdale - Experienced management team brought coin laundry experience from California to Florida in a very basic industry with outstanding cash flows, profitabiity and barriers of entry. Provided business plan development, financial planning and growth capital services.

We only win if you win...........

INVESTOR'S CAVEAT: Investment in new businesses carries high risk, as well as the possibility of high rewards. It is highly speculative, and potential investors should be aware that no established market exists for the trading of shares in private companies. Before investing in a project about which information is being provided, potential investors are strongly advised to take advice from a professional advisor who specializes in this kind of investment.  Americas Ventures Ltd. Co explicitly does not recommend certain investments or invite any individual or corporate body to invest in any specific company or venture, nor provide direct advisce to entrepreneurs in their delainds or negotiations with third parties. The service provided is soley to bring together a number of experienced investors with ventures that fultill certain criteria. We do not assume liablity for these matchmaking services.


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